Foto: Marit Fure

Indre Fure

Indre Fure is an idyllic farm, with a history dating back to the 1300s, and is one of the last cluster farms in the country. There was no road access there until 1966.

Fure is divided in two farms. Indre (inner) Fure where the road ends and Ytre (outer) Fure, which is an hour walk on the hiking trail to the west. Indre Fure was first mentioned in written sources ca. 1300-1350 AD.

The houses in the country courtyards are built closely together, like they usually were in earlier times. This is the only place on Stadlandet where the houses are still placed like this.

The first to settle at Fure was a farmhand, with his family, who worked for the local vicar. They rented the farm for 2 cods.

When agriculture provided little income, it was fishing that became the main industry. They also kept some animals.  Fishing for salmon and lobster gave quite a decent income for many of the locals. After a time many cotters and men from the parish were stationed on Fure with their families. These men earned their money as crew on fishing boats. Their catch were transported by boat to Bergen and traded for money and merchandise.

The men living here therefore had to go out on the sea in all kinds of weather to sustain themselves, summer and winter, in calm and in stormy weather. The fishermen cold not always make it back to Fure after their day of hard work. Some days they had to seek harbour in one of the other small societies on the Stadt peninsula. It was thus an uneasy time for the women who scouted out to sea and waited for men and sons who were at sea. It wasn’t always that they came ashore at all, and the sea became their wet grave.  An incident like this is told about in 1713 when 4-5 men disappeared at sea. After this accident it is told that there was no man left at Fure.

Fure is one of the very few places in this area where one has been able to grow fruit trees. The farmers on Indre Fure have even won a price for their excellent Alexandria apples. Furestaven on the outermost tip of Ytre Fure is one of two places in Selje where steatite or soapstone (kleberstein in Norwegian) is found. Here you can find marks from old times after extraction for stone pots.

From Indre Fure you can walk to Ytre Fure. This trip takes about an hour, and this is a popular hike.
